Global Leader DHHI Co.,Ltd.
이전메뉴 Management Policy 다음메뉴

Our Background

DHHI was established in 1987 as a manufacturer of power plant, industrial equipment, and environmental equipment. DHHI with 40 years of history has continued to develop technologies, secure excellent technical staff, improve work system. As a result, the company achieved a remarkable achievement of USD 70 Million sales per year. Based on passion, creativity, and innovation, the company resolutely entered in the shipbuilding equipment industry in 2005, showing its growth on a full scale. With the management philosophies of customer orientation, quality priority, and technology innovation, the company provides differentiated quality, technology, and eco-friendly products to customers immediately in line with their needs in order for customers' reliability and satisfaction. DHHI will do the best for better future.


  • Passion
  • Creation
  • Innovation

Our Mission

DHHI providing improved
profits and trust to all customers and being selected by customers
  • Ⅰ. Excellent technical staff
  • Ⅱ. Best quality
  • Ⅲ. Efficient work system

Our Team

Unified in the name of DHHI,
all members work hard to realize
cost-saving and technology
improvement for competitiveness,
making one team for stable and
efficient growth.
  • Ⅰ. Technical Team : DHHI Technical Team has professional and efficient technologies which have been accumulated over the last two decades in the power plant, industrial, environmental, and shipbuilding areas.
  • Ⅱ. Management : The management of DHHI is capable of providing the best service effectively through their immediate and accurate decision on the basis of their various and long experiences.
  • Ⅲ. Skillful workers : The skillful workers of DHHI have been working together with the management and technical team since the company establishment in 1987.

Our Standard

ISO 9001
Quality Management Manual

All products and services offered by DHHI follow the standards defined in ISO 9001 Quality Management Manual. To achieve, keep and better customers' needs, all employees constantly work hard to propose a new quality system through their work innovation activity.


  1. 01.
    To manufacture the best shipbuilding equipment that meets international industrial standards, DHHI continues to make efforts and tests. The company has a lot of human resources, latest facilities, technologies, and experiences for efficient procedure and qualification. Particularly, in the Rubber Part, the company as a specialist provides 'one-stop shop' for all processes including basic design. (Design & Manufacturing)
  2. 02.
    DHHI has the top level of optimized manufacturing processes, equipment, and technical staff in consideration of product characteristics, and maximizes safety, quality and efficiency. (As our supplier items, there are Block, Rudder Stock, Rudder Carrier, Accessories for Rudder Assembly, and Rudder Trunk/Horn.)
  3. 03.
    DHHI manufacturing factories are equipped with main facilities and has ideal conditions to manufacture high-quality products in a clean environment. Therefore, the factories satisfy the environmental requirements of famous enterprises at home and abroad.
  4. 04.
    DHHI offices are located in the places easy to manage field work immediately and effectively. In the places, cutting-edge technologies using authorized software and network communication are well established.
  5. 05.
    DHHI is located in the place with a good land road transportation network in order to provide famous foreign enterprises with smooth manufacturing and transportation. Also, in case of the international marine transportation of heavy and large structures, the company provides easy accessibility thanks to the geographical advantage of five minutes from a port.
  6. 06.
    A lot of DHHI human resources who are well trained and have many experiences have skills-upgrading and certification programs continuously. Through professional management and high-quality management system, these human resources meet the needs of domestic and foreign customers in terms of time and money.
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